Resources - Abby Leach


Moment of Nature Zen

The “becoming” process is tender and fragile as well as durable and resilient.  Creating a practice to support our process is vital to our inner well-being and the well-being of our families, global community and planet!  You may already have a consistent practice, if so, great!  If not, it’s easy enough to create something that works for you.

An on-going practice assists us in calming our nervous system, increasing awareness, learning our inner guidance and ultimately finding our way “home”.  When we are more grounded and centered, at “home”, we positively affect all of Life!    Examples of practice might include guided meditations, prayer, journaling, mindfulness, somatic exercises, movement, yoga, playing music, journaling, making art, and more!

However short or long, consistent or not, engaging in pastimes that help us remember our heart and soul’s passions and callings is important to our overall well-being and health. 

For me, it’s the natural world.  Nature nourishes and sustains me on every level.  It offers us healing as we make a commitment to nurture and care for it.  We have the opportunity to realize and live a symbiotic relationship with our planet and all her inhabitants.  When we promote and encourage a mutually beneficial relationship with Life, mutual benefit for all grows exponentially.

Here, you will find some of my favorite sacred nature wells.  Dip in as you feel inspired.  Some videos are short and some longer and can be used in tandem with any quiet or meditative practice.  I hope they bring joy, peace and love to your heart!


Length 15:03

Length 16:24

Longer Nature Sounds

Length 1:14

Length 5:02

Our bodies, hearts and souls know what we need. Our task is to quiet down enough to hear them.

Shorter Nature Sounds

Length 0:33

Length 0:11

Length 0:11

Length 0:11

Length 0:31

Length 0:07

Together, we have the capacity to create a world whereby kindness, love, respect, and mutual benefit are foundational.


Hoodsport, Washington


By appointment

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